Lets discuss it: When you are doing something professionally or personally it need some equipment or materials. For example, if you are doing painting you need colors and brushes, similarly there are some materials those are essentials for sewing , if they are not available sewing is hard to do. Things must have good quality because these are buy for long use.
Important tools are given below:
is a necessary aspect of life, it must be present in every house. Whether you sews your cloth or not but sewing machine helps you in other ways like: machine can alter your old dress. Make good care of machine with proper maintenance.
In sewing, cutting, dress designing scissors is the most essential task. Here Different types of Scissor or shear. Different types of Scissor or shear: Scissors have different types and they are used for various purpose in life.
Tailor chalk is fabric chalk which used in marking on fabric with the pattern. You must have two chalks in quantity.
Tracing wheel is small tool which used with paper, it helps you to trace paper pattern design on fabric. Curve for arm holes are difficult to mark with chalk you can use tracing wheel.
Silk pins are made of steels mostly, available in different sizes and used with every kind of fabric, these pins are usually used in hand crafting. PLEATING PINS are other kind of pins which are specifically used with thin Fabric as they passed through threads of fabric very easily.
There are three kinds of pins that are mostly used:
A small tool made up of metal on which holds thread around it and used in lower part of Machines, Bobbin case is a holder of bobbin.
Always have more than one bobbin in case you need in urgent.
an awl or stilettos is a sharp tool (sort of knife, handle with care) which used in button hole or just for hole.
is a sharp tool which has two points one is sharp pointed needle and other one is protected by ball for not to harm your fabrics. It mostly used in thread removing or ripping by it sharp part which select only thread on fabric without disturbing fabric’s yarn.
a diamond shaped wired attached with handle helps you out in needle threading when you become tired or having eye sight issue. It used in passing a thread to needle.
There are many kinds of needles which used in sewing.
a thin part of cotton, nylon or other fabric. It is basic necessity for sewing so there many types and colors with quality available but we must have black and white color thread and whatever dress you are making must have thread for that color.
Measuring tape has important role in sewing, it is a tool which is flexible enough to make measurement around body parts.
French curve is a drafting template made of wooden, plastic or metal having different curve models and edges. It is used in curve making in pattern, design and cutting.
Yard stick is a wooden or metal rod/stick which used to measure what is the length of fabric and etc.
bamboo pointer and creaser made up of wooden material with one sharp end which used to push out points during sewing and turning fabric
Hope you get Good knowledge from this knowledge base. We will try to make good Material for you.
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