Benefits of Sewing Kids Clothes in home

Benefits of Sewing kids clothes

Benefits of Sewing kids clothes


Every profession has its own benefits but when it comes down to Sewing Benefits I already write an article on it which covers wide area but in my point of view mainly it’s for the profession and as a hobby. Today I am discussing on  Benefits of Sewing Kids Clothes in home.

Benefits of Sew clothes for kids in a home:

  1. Mother/Father knows about her children choice or which dress looks great on her kid she sews the best dress.

    floral frock

    floral frock

  2. The market prices are too high to afford as per economic situation of any household. Average outfit cost more that $25 whether Branded or not. Instead of buying branded clothes save your money and made similar clothes at home in less than 60% amount by sewing yourself this is most important Benefits of Sewing Kids Clothes.
  3.  Sewing always comes with the cost effective way at start try to sew for your family, then gift them to others on Christmas, Easter day, valentines, etc. Your gifts might get some business to you because you have sewed it with love and used good material.

    butter fly floral Emroidery

    butter fly floral Embroidery

  4. Kids are always happy and naughty and give energy to everyone else life who surround them. They won’t care about anything even their beautiful clothes, so when you are selecting a material for dress be sure about fabric type that it must be washable and durable.
  5. Fabric prints catch the eye first then other thing matters, try to choose more vibrant colors and avoid light shades like gray and black tone colors, My favorites are small florals and Polkadots. Now a day Abstract prints also caught an eye with their modern textile feel and art, but in my opinion, don’t choose so much intricate print it can reflect your baby simplicity and personality as well.

    Floral Fabric

    Floral Fabric

  6. Colors are a different topic, we discussed a little bit in above paragraph, but what you need to focus on colors is baby shades like Baby pink, pale yellow or lemon color, sky blue, tea pink, etc. If you love black as 40% world population did (as per my assessment) make a contrast with white or orange etc. Black absorb light in it which can harm babies.

    Baby Colors and Fabric

    Baby Colors and Fabric

  7. Kids can split milk or destroy their clothes with ground sand in the evening party. Eventually, you need to wash them but remember one thing do washing by hand, use quality detergent and also focus on ingredients which your washing powder/liquid used.
  8. Design selection, after fabric, color and prints the most important part, prefer designs that are less complex, no hard material use, a button could be woolen or quilted made avoid metal one, use cotton lace, do hidden seam and made a covered waistband.
  9. Clean sewing is the most important rule here,

    Do’s and Don’t  – Benefits of Sewing Kids Clothes in home:

    Use same color yarn. Don’t pressure yourself
    Do Hidden Seam Avoid Metal things
    If you aren’t doing hidden seam, then stitch should be soft Don’t make a design which can hurt your kid like back buttons or extra zippers.
    Keep comfort in mind, Loosely fitted clothes must be stitched Avoid turtleneck for 0-3 size kids approx less than a half year
    Always assign Buttoned Placket
  10. The last Benefits of Sewing Kids Clothes is If your kid is greater than 8 months try to indulge him/her in dress making process. The majority of babies develop their sense of wearing since a younger age, engage them in shopping process fabric and color selection. Dress design selection, etc.

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