DIY Sewing Project Startup


You don’t know how to sew but eagerly want to learn sew . For this we give you some easy and basic tips because extra time needs to utilize by some hobby so DIY sewing is best choice. Up-cycling and recycling are two more bonus things as we are giving you top ten tips to recycle your old dress into new with self created pattern, In this article I am going to address these points:


Even you are facing financial crisis, you can use this skill for earning sewing does need special classes or training, and you can start with small things of your house. First start with table cloth because table cover need proper measurement only and then sew/Seam, the four sides of cover even sew with lace to make it beautiful. Similarly start sewing from small things of house like apron, handkerchief etc.

table cloth

You can also buy sewing books to have more knowledge and learn sew or Just follow us.


When you got some idea about sewing and designing move forward towards dress making. In dress making choose easy dress (similar to starting level) and low price fabric.

What you need:

Sewing Machine: Try to find sew machine from online or store near by you. In the start use simple machine don’t go with complicated one.




Sewing Box: You must have sewing box which has some basic equipment like: thread, bobbin, Measuring tape, chalk. Hand Needle, Machine needle etc. Most of them things are complementary with Sewing machine purchase.

sewing box

Use Old dress and make new dress

, for achieving this goal we will give ten tips of DIY Sewing:

  1. Choose most easy dress to make
  2. Use cheap fabric, if your dress will be ruined or mess it won’t give you financial harm.
  3. Now take old dress which you want to make on new fabric, Iron that dress.
  4. Now fold your dress and mark dress lining to new fabric with the help of chalk.
  5. Start cutting with ½ Inch gap margin from chalk marking.
  6. Now your cut dress piece is ready.
  7. Try to cut dress in one run so when you start sewing nothing is left for cutting.
  8. Before sewing, stitch dress through hands or do hand sewing. Make sewing easy more than 60%.
  9. To look finish do iron on seam area.
  10. Whatever old dress or design has chosen carry it throughout dress making processor so if you find any issue that dress help you a lot.


  1. Shittu idayat says:

    Wow dat is great..Pls how about some videos to watch for easier learning

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